少しご無沙汰なHaruyukiです。 lv62のまま暗黒は一休みで、最近サポ上げにばかり精を出してます。 戦シ侍白と、おなじみのサポを全部32まではあげようとおもってますが 一番のお気に入りはサポ白だったり ^^; なぜなら・・・・とそれはlv上げPTを組んだときのお楽しみ♪ (逆にキックされそうだけどw 想像のとおりです ^^;)
それにしても耳装備、指装備は高いですね ;; 金稼ぎはつらい。。。虎飽きたしw 何とか工面してつおい暗黒になるのです ^^
今週はlv25からの侍強化週間です。見かけたら誘ってくださいまし M(__)M
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What the guidelines amount to is the criminal justice system acquiring, some would say very late in the day, a more sophisticated understanding of the psychology underlying the sexual abuse of children. (10/28 05:12) Emily > What do you do for a living? <a href=" http://www.motum.com/about-us/leadership#tracks ">cytotec usa</a> Hollywood is teeming with famous same-sex couples - some more open than others. From public declarations of love to dates out of the limelight, check out the stars who have found romance with that special someone ... Wedding bells are ringing for Melissa Etheridge! The 52-year-old rocker announced plans to marry her longtime partner, producer Linda Wallem, after the Supreme Court struck down the Defense of Marriage Act on June 26, 2013. "I look forward to exercising my American civil liberties," Etheridge tweeted. "And getting fully, completely and legally married this year to my true love of over three years, Linda Wallem." The singer also shared the happy news during a phone interview with CNN, saying, "I'm going to get married in the state of California." Etheridge, who shares custody of her 7-year-old twins with ex Tammy Lynn Michaels and also has two children from a previous relationship, has been dating Wallem since 2010. (10/28 11:59) Erin > I'm retired <a href=" http://www.kaslodesign.com/web.htm#melancholy ">bimatoprost fast delivery no doctors</a> Writers and actors arenテ「ツツ冲 the deciders here. Networks make that call. Their thinking has always been that more episodes of a hit show means more money. Thatテ「ツツ冱 why, in TVテ「ツツ冱 early days, networks wanted prime-time shows on the air for 39 weeks, taking a break only in the low-viewership summer. Then as costs rose, networks started cutting back, until a few years ago the standard hit 22. 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I suspect that a reduction of civilian casualties is based on some World War Two statistic where civilian casualties of war were in the tens of millions. But, the excuse of civilian casualties has never stopped a war, and it wasn't even an excuse to ease up on the bloodshed until well into the 20th century. There really isn't anything as an innocent civilian, especially in religious conflicts, where everyone supposedly is born into sin. If you look at these conflicts, they are religious in nature, and if you are an enemy, you are an Agent of Satan in one form or another… so just what is innocent? Being in a wedding party, in a war zone, knowing there are drones which shoot missiles hovering around… and don't think they don't know about the drones because they've been protesting them for years… would lead a sensible bride and groom to have a damn small gathering. Compared to the fire bombing of Dresden, or the fire bombing of Tokyo, or other massive deaths of civilians…this is a hell of a reduction in civilian deaths. There have been battles in history with 50,000 deaths on the field in a day. I'm not so sure that your ideal can be reached, and I'm not so sure that the waring factions are concerned about even trying. (01/13 10:03) Camila > Where are you from? <a href=" http://escenadigital.net/order-adderall-xr-generic/ ">costco price for generic adderall</a> Both Gonzales’s problem and his progress are pretty typical of what Eitner sees, he said, in a program that has a recidivism rate of 3 percent. “This guy,’’ Eitner said of his former charge, “was sent some place no one should ever be sent, but that’s what we do to our kids because they’re good at it. 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I understand now that you can never truly know what's going on in the mind of another person, no matter how well you think you know them.但ツツ (01/13 10:04) Greenwood > I'm afraid that number's ex-directory <a href=" http://www.jazzmasters.pl/new/writing-service-uk/#ask ">writing for life paragraphs and essays</a> 但ツツ廬但ツツ冦 pretty sure, at some point, I但ツツ冤l get balls hit to me. ... I但ツツ况e done a lot,但ツツ he said. 但ツツ廬t但ツツ冱 not like I just came off the couch and started playing. I did a lot in Florida. I think I tested it.但ツツ (01/13 10:04) Leslie > Not in at the moment <a href=" http://inwa-nordicwalking.com/text-book-should-be-free-free-essay/#applications ">esl essay writing</a> Miley Cyrus' bling looks like it's missing something. With rumors swirling that her and Liam Hemsworth's relationship is on the rocks - and perhaps even over - Miley stepped out on March 6, 2013 without her engagement ring (r.). 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But Mizruchi understands that these surging financial rewards came with strings attached但ツツ琶n this case, a loss of control over their domain, what Mizruchi calls decreased 但ツツ彗utonomy.但ツツ (01/13 20:34) Efren > Nice to meet you <a href=" http://www.trainingfortransformation.ie/index.php/find-a-ghostwriter#name ">buy compare and contrast essay</a> "Everyone knows this is coming," says the lobbyist, who spoke on background but declined to be named in order to speak freely. "I think the Republicans are going to try to hold up Gina McCarthy, I don't think [Tuesday's speech] is going to change anyone's decision on her, though." (01/13 20:34) Bobber > What company are you calling from? <a href=" http://www.fitco-consulting.com/blog/need-a-custum-research-paper-written-for-me/#so ">essay writer generator</a> GP magazine obtained data from two thirds of primary care trusts, showing 31% were paying for patients to use the remedies. 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His jovial bearded figure dominated the Victorian British musical scene, but despite the strenuous efforts of a few enthusiasts his music hasn’t survived, and this year’s Proms season offers a welcome chance to be reacquainted with it. Choosing the five pieces must have been hard, as Bantock did nothing by halves. He composed over 800 works, and even the most ardent Bantockian knows only a handful of them. Excess was the keynote of his character. His interest in the Orient, spurred by a training for the Indian Civil Service (his father didn’t approve of his musical interests, and wanted him to get a proper job) amounted almost to mania. His daughter Myrrha recalls “Chinese porcelain dogs, bronze dragons, Russian ikons, Javanese brass jars and all kinds of other Eastern ornaments were continually appearing, for G.B was never able to resist the temptation to spend money on such things. 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Facilitating that warped view in Manning's trial, the judge ruled early on that the defense was not allowed to put forth evidence of Manning's sole intent – to inform the American publicツ– or evidence showing that none of the information materially harmed national security. (01/14 07:03) Morris > I want to report a http://fanggle.com/partner/partner-program/ buy soma paypal It was not clear if the problems signaled overwhelming interest in signing up for insurance, a lack of capacity or connectivity for state or federal systems, or even some kind of intrusion by Obamacare's opponents. New York, for example, reported 7.5 million visitors, hobbling its site for hours. An estimated 2.5 million New Yorkers are uninsured. 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Juwan Howard and Dan Craig will be new assistants for Spoelstra this season, which starts with the teamテ「ツツ冱 annual media day Monday and then the first two training-camp practices in the Bahamas on Tuesday. <a href=" http://www.starcentre.org/info/?thai-slot-machine ">operazione slot machine campobasso</a> Professor Lang has treated more than 60 youngsters with similar diseases and currently has 25 children on a stem-cell trial, with nine having completed it so far. Six of those who have finished the trial are in complete remission or have improved drastically. (02/02 06:05) Rocco > How many days will it take for the cheque to clear? <a href=" http://www.graphicdetail.co.nz/?page_id=penguin-slot-machine ">contratto noleggio slot machine</a> Executives at several staffing firms told Reuters that the law, which requires employers with 50 or more full-time workers to provide healthcare coverage or incur penalties, was a frequently cited factor in requests for part-time workers. 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Instead of addressing a lover, she’s talking to the world at large: her fans, the press, and most importantly that undifferentiated mass of critics, bloggers, and social media users we have come to refer to collectively as “the Internet.” This is the segment of her audience that has come down hardest on Cyrus over the past few months, with reactions ranging from boneheaded slut-shaming to well-earned accusations of racism in her VMA performance. And this is what she has to say to them — or, rather, us: (03/19 06:43)
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